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CalledProcessError: Command '['dot', '-Kdot', '-Tsvg']' returned non-zero exit status 1. [stderr: b'There is no layout engine support for "dot"\r\nPerhaps "dot -c" needs to be run (with installer's privileges) to register the plugins?\r\n']

ㄴ point : no graphviz engine for 'dot' beacause I installed 2.44.1 but in conda, installed graphviz_version_2.38


plug in 

: 연결하다. 접속하다


layout engine

: 엔진(web에서 다운 받은 설치파일)

*Maybe quite different : Module, which use in python as library

cause.. NOT error message, when it comes to Module



: 보안관련 권한

It doesn't usually make sense to perform value_counts on a DataFrame, though I suppose you could apply it to every entry by flattening the underlying values array:



: row



: in python it is simillar or same to 'List'

predict value : 예측값


possible value : 결과로 나올 수 있는 가능한 값(not_null)


Predictor Variable - One or more variables that are used to determine(Predict) the 'Target Variable'.-독립변수

Target Variable - A variable that needs to be predicted is a target variable. -종속변수


Value : 변수값  !=  Variable : 변수(칼럼)


Constant features

: are the type of features that contain only one value for all the outputs in the dataset.

Constant features have values with zero variance since all the values are the same 


univariate : 일변량 (하나의 독립변수)

*+ univariate statistical tests : 일변량분석 ex.ANOVA_3개이상 집단, 하나의 독립변수


estimator : M/L 사용 알고리즘 

TypeError: first argument must be an iterable of pandas objects, you passed an object of type "Series"

ㄴpoint : 첫번 째 인자로 interable한 판다스객체가 들어가야하는데 시리즈 타입의 객체가 전달됐다. 

   solve : series -> list 


pass : 값을 전달하다


iterable : 반복가능한

>  iterable 의 의미는 member를 하나씩 차례로 반환 가능한 object를 말한다.

 iterable 의 예로는 sequence type인 list, str, tuple 이 대표적이다. 

 non-sequence type 인 dict 나 file 도 iterable 하다고 할 수 있다.

~ for 문을 이용해 순차적으로접근이 가능하다.
출처: https://bluese05.tistory.com/55 [ㅍㅍㅋㄷ]

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